Historical Society

Mission Statement

"To preserve the history, stories, and traditions of Denmark Township and its people, so that the values and achievements of past generations will inspire and guide those of the future."

Denmark Township Historical Society Members

President T Michael Speidel
speid001 [at] umn.edu (speid001[at]umn[dot]edu)
Treasurer Tim Behrends
timbehrends [at] rocetmail.com (timbehrends[at]rocetmail[dot]com) 
Secretary Valda Van Alstine
valdavan [at] msn.com (valdavan[at]msn[dot]com) 
Archivist Wayne Boyd
weboydo [at] gmail.com (weboydo[at]gmail[dot]com) 
Membership Brenda Natala
brendanatala [at] comcast.net (brendanatala[at]comcast[dot]net) 
Oral History  
Publicity Heidi Chapeau
heidichapeau [at] gmail.com (heidichapeau[at]gmail[dot]com) 